Carmela Mancuso is a young woman committed to the sea. She is a marine biologist and started as an activist to defend and protect the turtles nesting in Calabria. Caretta Calabria Conservation is an organisation established to work with researchers, students and activists to monitor turtle nesting by walking and biking along 40 km of coastal land in the area of Brancalone where the turtles come to leave their hundreds of eggs to ensure the continuity of their specie.
There are two curiosities of this peculiar animal, the first is the fact that the turtles nest their eggs in the same place where they were born, despite the thousands of kilometres done in the meanwhile in the Mediterranean. Amazing isn't it?
The second curiosity is the fact that turtles are individual animals; they do not have any peer or parental care. Think …. You can live alone an entire life and still find a good reason to generate new life. Crazy!
Caretta Calabria Conservation is managing the Museo del mare, I encourage you to go and visit it. The last room is rich in information on turtle nesting and the work of the association.
Did you know that moving closer to the sea can make you happier? Do you ever feel that fresh and salty joy too?